Adobe captivate could not open .cptx file
Adobe captivate could not open .cptx file

But with Slide Views, we have more options, but before we get to all of this, we can also choose our Standard of SCORM. You can see the Quiz doesn't even have a selection. Also, when they successfully complete the course is it going to be based on User Access, which limits the options to Slide Views. Is it going to be Incomplete-> Complete? Or with the quiz, do we want to show Incomplete, or whether they Passed or Failed to show status in our course. And with 1.2 selected, you can see down below that we have some Status Representations options. Next, we get to choose the Standard of SCORM that we want to use. Otherwise, you'll need to choose Other Standard LMS if you don't see yours on this list. There's Adobe Connect and Questionmark Perception if you want to access those, they're right here on the list. You might have your own Internal Server, using your own LMS or you may subscribe to Other Standard LMSs. And there's plenty of training on Moodle at. Click this drop-down, you'll see Moodle right at the top, open source, free, online, right on the web, so you can explore that option if you don't have your own LMS. So, clicking that checkbox at the very top makes all of these other options accessible, including right at the top, choosing our LMS. And you can see, we have some options that are faded in the background for LMS options, SCORM compliance, etc., but none of that's available to us until we enable Reporting for this project. Now, this opens up our Preferences dialogue with Reporting selected under the Quiz category. And we do that by going to the Quiz menu, give it a click. I'll talk more about this in the next chapter, but for now, what we need to do before we can go to publish this is to make sure it's ready to report our quiz to an LMS.

adobe captivate could not open .cptx file

And if you are going to include a quiz and quiz questions that are going to be scored, they need to be able to report to an LMS here in Captivate. We see buttons and down towards the end, if we scroll down, you'll notice there is a quiz that's going to have scoring. With this open, we can see there are a number of slides. You'll find it in the Chapter Two folder in the subfolder labelled Captivate of your exercise files. And I'm using the exercise file titled KE_Orientation.cptx. I'm using Captivate 8, so if you have it, you can launch it.


And we're going to use some of the most popular e-learning authoring software out there, beginning with this one, Captivate. In this chapter, we're going to explore publishing SCORM-compliant e-learning courses to an LMS.

Adobe captivate could not open .cptx file